Oct. 20, 2023

The Narcissist's Playbook: Jada's Control Over Will | Raising Carter Ep 10

The Narcissist's Playbook: Jada's Control Over Will | Raising Carter Ep 10

Join us in Episode 15 of the "Raising Carter" podcast, where your host, Ramon Weather Senior, delves deep into the dynamics of power and control in relationships, taking inspiration from the well-publicized relationship of Jada Pinkett-Smith and Will Smith. In this episode, we dissect the narcissist's playbook and explore how it plays out in a real-life scenario. We delve into subjects of emotional manipulation, self-esteem, and abusive dynamics, all while offering insights for young men and fathers alike on how to navigate such situations.

This episode is sure to inspire listeners, fostering a better understanding of abusive dynamics and highlighting the importance of self-respect and emotional autonomy. From exploring the concept of narcissistic control to analyzing how it affects all parties involved, every minute of this podcast packs a punch.

Don't miss out on this enlightening exploration of emotional dynamics and the ripple effects they can have on individuals and families. Subscribe to our channel and follow us on social media for more episodes like this. Welcome to our channel, where we break down complex dynamics and offer accessible, actionable insights.

Starring your host, Ramon Weather Senior, and co-star Carter, this episode is a must-watch for everyone. Tune in, subscribe, and share with your friends. Remember, understanding is the first step towards change.


Ramon weatherall sr (00:00.046)

This is the Raising Carter Podcast. I am your host, Ramon Weatherall Sr. And the Raising Carter Podcast is a podcast dedicated to fathers, fathers with sons, dedicated to young men who want to be men. And people say, what does that mean? Well, what does that mean? Well, if you don't understand what that means or if you offended by that,

This is the podcast for you, beat it. But I got a question for you dads. My question is this, do you understand when you are abusive to the woman you say that you love, whether it be your girlfriend, your wife.

Hell, it could be your mother, your sister, whoever. And there are young children around, there are young boys around. There are two things, or possibly three things that can happen to that young man. He can grow up and be just like you, be abusive just like you, be a piece of trash just like you.

And that's what you are. If you're abusive to a woman, if you're physically, if you're abusive.

Ramon weatherall sr (01:31.802)

You're a piece of trash, you're a piece of garbage. You're not being the best version of yourself. He could be just like you. Or he could become a victim of others' abuse besides yours, because I'm sure the abuse that you.

Ramon weatherall sr (01:53.29)

you know, you inflict on his mother, you just don't stop there.

you'll probably be abusive to him too. Or he could be both. He could be the best or the worst of both worlds. He could be abusive of himself and he could be abused by people too. And the reason why I bring all that up.

is because of this circus that keeps

going around and around and keeps showing up in our lives, this Jada and Will circus.

this circus that nobody's really talking about that is basically abuse. That this woman is abusing this Man

Ramon weatherall sr (02:55.135)

And because of his history.

Ramon weatherall sr (03:01.334)

He's just taking it. And a lot of, and some of it is because of his history. And I thought about this. And another part of it is that he's the type of person who wants everybody to like him.

He wants every, say what you wanna say, from the fucking beginning, from the music he made, from the roles that he's taken, he wants everybody to like him. That's why he doesn't put this woman in her place. That's why she can constantly do what she does to him.

Ramon weatherall sr (03:45.93)

What, that's it, that's it. She can constantly do this because he's afraid to be the bad guy, he doesn't wanna be the bad guy. I'm sure his family member, his friends like, man, why don't you just do something? No, no, I'm not gonna.

And she knows that.

Ramon weatherall sr (04:11.414)

But if we gonna start this off and we gonna do this right, not like all other podcasts.

Ramon weatherall sr (04:21.314)

do and you know, take it easy on her, take it easy on him. We gonna bomb first.

We gonna bomb first.

See I got the POC hoodie in the background.

Ramon weatherall sr (04:41.47)

Will need to bond first. You need to bond first, let's get it.

Ramon weatherall sr (05:01.338)

Yeah, let's get the mood right.

Ramon weatherall sr (05:13.388)


Ramon weatherall sr (05:22.186)

Nah, me. Yeah.

Ramon weatherall sr (05:28.662)

Let's get the mood right, let's set the mood. Let's set the mood right here on the Raising Carter podcast. Now I seen in a piece of an interview where she was saying that.

Tupac was her soulmate, but they just had nothing in common. Well, if you guys had nothing in common, he wasn't your soulmate.

Ramon weatherall sr (05:58.07)

and how it's sickening how she just holds this man up. I mean, I'm a fan. I'm sure other people who listen to this podcast watch it are fans too. How she just holds this man up like he never did anything wrong, he never made any mistakes or that he made mistakes, but it's fine, he can, you know, we forgive him for. But what about your husband?

What about your husband? What is he? You know, what is he? A cup of coffee? What is he, you know, a TV dinner? No, he's Will Smith, the biggest, one of the biggest actors in the world. One of the biggest entertainers in the world ever. But to her, she just makes it seem like he's nothing. That's abuse. That's what-

Abuse of people do.

That's what manipulative and narcissistic, that's what they do. They make it seem like what you've done isn't important. That's bullshit.

Ramon weatherall sr (07:16.502)

This man is iconic, is a legend, but he's lost a lot of respect due to her.

Man, before all this foolishness, man, you get hurt talking about well-smelling.

Ramon weatherall sr (07:41.974)

you get hurt talking about Will Smith. But now.

He's, you know, it's, we all want this abuse to stop. We want her to stop. Whatever he did to you.

Don't nobody care. Even women don't even care no more. Women ain't even on your side no more.

Women don't even care what he did to you.

Ramon weatherall sr (08:11.279)

They're even tighter and women stick together. But women don't even care about what he did to you.

Ramon weatherall sr (08:22.898)

I got another clip of her, what set it off. I mean.

Ramon weatherall sr (08:35.271)

when all set it off, was she, you know.

Ramon weatherall sr (08:43.095)

got going again, this interview that she did. Check it out.

Ramon weatherall sr (09:16.007)

Look at her demeanor, look at her face.

Ramon weatherall sr (10:03.895)

See you don't know.

Ramon weatherall sr (10:10.946)

CCR, she looked at Queen Latifah like, I need some help. Queen Latifah was like, bitch, I don't know. Shit, I don't know what to do. That's y'all crazy shit going on over. I don't know. Shit.

Ramon weatherall sr (10:40.946)

A family friend, no, say it right. Your son's friend, your son's bisexual friend that y'all were supposed to be trying to help because he had mental issues or whatever. Y'all were supposed to be here. How are you gonna help somebody? Basically you took advantage of him because you crazy as hell. And you probably knew just what to do. You seen him.

and just pounced on him. You knew exactly what to do. Look at her.

Ramon weatherall sr (11:22.548)

No, she's not.

Cause he crazy as hell.

Ramon weatherall sr (11:41.966)

Cause see, this is all business to her. This is all business to her. But sometimes the lines blur. When you crazy, sometimes you go in and out, you know? So sometimes it's business. Sometimes she on her, you know, crazy stuff, you know? Mad at him for not being who she thought he should be or jealous, you know? It goes in and out when you crazy.

Ramon weatherall sr (12:16.487)

So that's just what you gotta deal with.

Ramon weatherall sr (12:51.966)

of a fantasy of what you thought the other person should be.

I think he turned out to be more than you thought he would be.

the biggest movie star in the world.

What's, I mean, we don't know what goes on behind closed doors yet. I'm not letting him off the hook. He got some, you know, he got some janky stuff going on with him too, but I think he turned out professionally to be more than you ever thought he could be and would be. That could be some issues right there with you.

Ramon weatherall sr (13:33.43)

You know, there's gotta be some issues about competition, about him being this bigger star than you ever thought that he could be. Cause I heard this story that this one, this other, I was watching this other podcast and, you know, Will was saying how he, he did all this for his family, you know, the movies and just going to, just trying to be the best and just trying to.

You know, get the bag in.

Ramon weatherall sr (14:08.77)

Jada says, no, you did that for you. You didn't do that for us. And the guy's wife, who's, I mean, he's successful too. His wife was like, oh, I agree.

Ramon weatherall sr (14:24.734)

If both of those men did what they did for themselves, then you leave right now and you don't take a damn thing with you. That's a bunch of bullshit.

that this man did all this for himself.

Ramon weatherall sr (14:45.186)

that, oh, you know, he wanted to, he did it for himself?

Ramon weatherall sr (14:53.89)

So he's supposed to be a man, but think like a woman.

Ramon weatherall sr (15:00.694)

He's supposed to be a man, but give you all the attention in the world and make things happen for you.

Ramon weatherall sr (15:19.135)

No, you can't have it both ways. You can't have it both ways. You can't want a man to be on top and think that it's not gonna come with some type of sacrifice.

Ramon weatherall sr (15:37.27)

is not gonna come with some type of sacrifice. You can hold Pac up to this imaginary, you can do all this because he's dead. He's dead, but if he was alive, he would have made mistakes too. He would have made mistakes too. He wouldn't have been perfect either.

Ramon weatherall sr (15:58.262)

But since he's dead and gone, he can't make no mistakes. You know, you can have your daughter writing him dead man letters saying, oh, make my Tupac come back and make my mommy happy and all that, just foolishness.

Just a toxic and abusive woman who is just spreading like a virus throughout this family.

Ramon weatherall sr (16:29.01)

and him will just being a guy who just wants everybody to like him.

Ramon weatherall sr (16:42.262)

but not everybody's gonna like you. Sometimes you gotta be the bad guy. And I think he's waited too late to be the bad guy, but still, we still rooting for you, man, to come on with it. To come on with it, man, and put your foot down.

Ramon weatherall sr (17:07.486)

and put your foot down, stop pretending. Stop pretending, stop getting yourself out of character. Stop going, you know, doing the whole Chris Rock thing, slapping him. You still didn't get no respect from her because she wants the kind of man that someone wouldn't even get on stage and dare say something about when he's sitting in the crowd. She wants the kind of man that he wouldn't have to get on stage. That that person on stage would know

Don't even do it.

Don't even get yourself hurt.

but you gotta do goofy stuff. And he's been doing this for years. Check out this interview.

This Tommy Davidson interview that he did on with Shannon Sharp.

Ramon weatherall sr (18:22.602)

Now, he's mad at Tommy Davidson, like it says here right on the caption, because he kissed, because of the kiss that he gave Jada when they was doing the movie. Now, it might be a little understood if you weren't an actor too, but your crazy ass is an actor too. You know this. You know what happens. That's part of the game. That's part of the, okay.

But she got you acting a fool.

she got you acting a fool. And when you with a woman like this that's got you acting like a fool, anything can happen. Being with a beautiful woman is already dangerous anyway, because you're gonna have guys that gonna try to hit on her, guys that's gonna think that you not man enough to be with her, you know? And you gotta maneuver and go through all that. But then on top of it, with her being-

crazy herself and her wanting you to be something that you not, man, you'll get yourself hurt or killed.

Ramon weatherall sr (20:04.31)

Now, I don't know if he did his research. I don't know if he checked his files or not, but Tommy Davidson got hands. Tommy Davidson was a boxer, a good one too. So, yeah, he probably, it's probably good for him that it didn't go down, because he probably would have got even more embarrassed.

Ramon weatherall sr (22:03.43)

Yeah, yeah, because they was crazy on some dumb shit, just like he is, he was. She had him on some dumb shit trying to be something that he wasn't. And that's what happens when you, that's why a good woman should make you feel like a man, not have to show her that you are a man. She should make you feel like one, that you don't have to do that kind of stuff.

You got a bad woman, a no good one, when she does stuff that makes you have to show her. Man, you ain't gotta show nobody, shit. If you don't like the way I am, go get somebody else. I'm sure there are a whole lot of women who would have loved to be with Will Smith, who would have loved to be his wife. That's why her ass won't divorce him.

Ramon weatherall sr (23:00.458)

Yeah, that's why you want divorce them. All this, I just can't come to the promise I made. No, you just don't want somebody else to have what you effed up.

Ramon weatherall sr (23:17.674)

and you trying to make him and the rest of the world seem feel like he's the reason why. No, you crazy.

You crazy.

Ramon weatherall sr (23:31.454)

You crazy for wanting to still be in love with a man that's been dead for 27 years. You crazy, you said yourself, in the interview with Up On Smoke or whatever, with those two Tupac lovers and.

getting her on, getting in, getting her on they podcast without standing up for men and asking her, why are you doing this? Why are you constantly belittling and hurting, you know, trashing a man that.

America loves, black people love, America, why are you doing this? What is the reason for this? What make her say the reason for it?

make her say some of the things that she's done. Cause all we know, not all that we hear is about is what he's done. He, you know, or, and you know, people wanna say that she's got something on him.

Look, everybody wants to say, oh, he's gay or he's boss. Who cares? Nobody cares. It's not a crime to be gay. We not gonna be mad at Will if he's gay. I don't care, man. Don't nobody care. At this point, we just want her to stop trashing you. Is that it? That we love him more than we love her? Is that it? Is that her problem? Cause I heard somewhere, she's probably the most hated woman in Hollywood.

Ramon weatherall sr (25:15.934)

He ain't had shit to do with that. This you. That's you. That role she played on what? Was that Gotham or whatever? That role, that evil, that.

You can't, people try to say this shit like, oh, it's just acting and, you know, I had to go into character. No, you can't be something that you not. So when all these punk ass actors play these roles that you, you know, that you just can't stand over like, oh, man, he played that role really good. You know, that's part of them. You got to be able to go there.

Ramon weatherall sr (25:55.186)

It has to be in you. You can't just pull that out of nowhere. That's somewhere, that's part of you. Just like when Pac played in juice, everybody couldn't stand, that was part of him. That was part of him. You say, you know, I had a friend who couldn't. My man, my man, he couldn't stand, he couldn't stand Pac for a long time, I don't like that thing. Right, man, it's just a role, man.

Ramon weatherall sr (26:29.934)



Ramon weatherall sr (26:38.418)

and abusive, vindictive.

Ramon weatherall sr (26:45.614)

jealous woman. And he is.

a person who wants everybody to like him.

Ramon weatherall sr (27:03.234)

someone that almost like a con artist who.

Ramon weatherall sr (27:16.032)

isn't who is he really? Like who is he really? The thing that people loved about Tupac is that man.

You felt like you know him because that's who he was. Who the hell is Will Smith? Who is he?

Ramon weatherall sr (27:33.474)

Who is he?

That's who I want, who the hell are you, bro? Who are you, 50 something years old? Let us know who you are.

Ramon weatherall sr (27:47.982)

Stand up for yourself, be the bad guy. Make this woman stop using your.

legacy for a doormat, because you are one of the greatest actors, not just black actors, actors of all time. And honestly, I thought to myself, and I'm gonna end it like this, this is some straight, this is some.

Ramon weatherall sr (28:17.11)

I hate it, I know I got some white people, but this is some nigga shit. This is what this, she done brought this man down, like this is some nigga shit. Like this is, white people don't know nothing about, like they don't know nothing about this. You know, if you bring this topic up to, they be like, look, Will you know, they don't know nothing about this. They don't care nothing about this.

How many, you know, they don't know nothing about no Jada They don't know, like.

She's brought him down to that level.

Ramon weatherall sr (28:52.246)

Don't let someone bring you down to that level. And fathers, when you can't control yourself and you being this idiot hitting and abusing the woman you say you love, you're not only hurting her, this is the type of situation that arises from that. You get a son who...

is trying to make up for stuff that he didn't have nothing to do with.

You get a son who's trying to make up for things that he didn't have anything to do with. He might be a great actor, but like he said, he had one, you know, he left his first wife, had a failed marriage, and now he's got another one. Now he's got another one. You know, his son emancipated from him at 16. What's going on with that? So saying he, you know, wanted to cut his genitals off because that's not what man.

Ramon weatherall sr (30:00.342)

He is not a person to role model yourself after. He's a great actor, he's a good entertainer, but he's got a lot of issues himself.

Ramon weatherall sr (30:13.674)

So stop looking up to other people.

We need to, as people, we need to stop looking up to entertainers and thinking, making them their, our, you know, North Star, because they got shit, they got their own issues.

And being a father is the most important job a man can have.

Ramon weatherall sr (30:46.914)

And even if you can't be there all the time.

Ramon weatherall sr (30:55.306)

You gotta be there on time. You gotta be there when those kids need you. You gotta be the example for them going forward. And.

I mean, it's documented that Will and his dad didn't have a good relationship. And I think a lot of that got has just.

hurt him in life because he wants everybody to like him. He wants.

He doesn't know how to handle certain situations the right way.

Man, this is a situation that, shit, you got lawyers?

Ramon weatherall sr (31:45.085)

She shouldn't be able to slander your name like that.

She shouldn't be able to slander his name, I like that. But this is abuse. This is abuse. This is how men get abused all the time.

Ramon weatherall sr (32:03.82)

Your accomplishments, the things you've done are made to seem like nothing.

Ramon weatherall sr (32:11.286)

But what you gotta do is stop caring what this person thinks.

You gotta stop caring what this person thinks because there's other people out there that love and respect what you do. It's just one person. You gotta stop caring so much about what this one person thinks and trying to make things right for them. No, it's their job to make things right for themselves.

It's their job, it's her job, and it's that other person's job to make things right for themselves. So that is this week's episode of the Raising Carter podcast, telling you fathers to understand that being abusive in any type of way not only hurts the woman you with, it damages your kids.

for life.

They seen it, they heard it, they went through it. And it's no way that it's not gonna affect them. So the next time you can't control yourself, you might wanna think about that.

Ramon weatherall sr (33:26.274)

So if you like this podcast, if you wanna see more stuff like this, share this podcast, tell your friends about the Raising Carter podcast. I'm your host, Ramon Weatherall Sr. Starring my son, my co, the star of the show Carter, but this podcast, I think I just had to, man, I had to bond first, man. I had to bond first. And we gonna go and take it out with some more Tupac.

Ramon weatherall sr (34:03.022)

Touching them.

Ramon weatherall sr (34:13.197)

Call on my bitch nigga Edith!