Sept. 20, 2023

Lets talk about Relationships with Girls

Lets talk about Relationships with Girls

Welcome to "Raising Karter," a heartfelt and relatable podcast that captures the beautiful bond between a father, Ramon Weatherall Sr., and his son, Karter. In this episode, Ramon and Karter dive deep into the world of relationships with girls, exploring the importance of open communication and expressing feelings towards the women in Karter's life.

Join this dynamic duo as they navigate the nuances of dating, discussing key topics such as understanding emotions, building healthy connections, and embracing vulnerability. With their genuine and honest approach, Ramon and Karter shed light on the inevitable experiences of heartbreak, highlighting the growth and resilience that can emerge from these challenges.

"Raising Karter" is not just a podcast; it's a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Tune in to gain valuable insights, practical advice, and heartfelt anecdotes that will empower young listeners to navigate the complexities of relationships with grace and compassion.

Don't forget to join the conversation using our podcast hashtags. Together, let's create a supportive community that uplifts and encourages one another on the beautiful journey of raising exceptional young men.

#RaisingKarter #FatherAndSonBond #NavigatingRelationships #HeartfeltConversations


Ramon weatherall sr (00:01.218)

Hey guys, this is the Raising Cardio Podcast. Today this podcast is about relationships with girls. Dad, is there any questions you would like to ask me? Yes, the first question is, how would you describe your relationship with girls and women right now? Well, how would I describe it?

Ramon weatherall sr (00:31.846)

Basically, that's a hard one. Nice, it's this, right? Well, I will describe it in a way that's like- Do you have friends that are girls? Yes, I do. There's a girl in my class named Penelope, and she's a really nice girl. Okay. How would you describe-

the relationship with the women in your life? Pretty nice. And if I had to choose, my favorite's probably my mom. And why is she your favorite? Good choice, but why is she your favorite? Because she does a lot for me, and she's just a good mom.


Ramon weatherall sr (01:28.29)

Do you think it's important for boys and men to talk about their feelings and experience when they get their heart broke by a girl?

Yeah. Have any of your friends, have any of your friends got their heart broke by a girl? Has that happened to you guys yet? I don't know, you're only seven, so I don't know if it's happened yet, but it could have happened. It hasn't happened to me, but it has happened to one of my friends. I'm not gonna address it, but it was pretty funny. It was funny? Well, getting your heart broke.

is one of the toughest things that any boy or man will ever have to come or go through in life. So it might've been funny to you, but it wasn't funny to him. But do you think you should be able to talk about that? Yeah, you should talk about it a lot or else you might be stuck like that forever.

If you don't talk about it, then you're gonna be stuck hiding your feelings forever. And then at one point, when a girl likes you, your feelings are just gonna burst out. And you should talk about it to get it, to deal with it and get it off your chest. You shouldn't, because it happens to everybody. You think when it happens, it only happens to you. And you're, no, it happens to everybody.

And a girl that broke your heart, somebody's gonna break her heart. But that's his life. Okay, next question.

Ramon weatherall sr (03:22.771)


Ramon weatherall sr (03:27.266)

Do you think there are any ways that boys, girls can support each other when they're going through a tough time? So do you think that when you're going through a tough time, you could talk to your mom about it? Yeah. She could give you, you know, a different point of view. Yeah.

Ramon weatherall sr (03:53.634)

What do you like to talk to your mom about? Basically how sometimes how something bad goes wrong at school or I get so frustrated or that yes some stuff that are frustrating and stuff that goes bad stuff that makes me mad.

Ramon weatherall sr (04:27.234)

Cause your mom, she'll get to the bottom of it. So I think that's a good thing to have, you know, a good relationship. If you, if you, one day when you had, you have a girlfriend or even maybe a wife, would you?

That, I know that's a big, that's a big, that's, Slow down there, slow down there. Okay, okay, okay. When you have, do you, would you want her to be like your mom? You know, would you want her, you know, to have.

Kind of no, but kind of yeah. Yeah. Why kind of no, but kind of yeah? Kind of no, because my mom's a person you try to be like, but you can't be like. When you are born with a personality, you cannot change your personality. So basically, you're saying nobody can come close to being like your mom, basically. Nobody can.

If you want to be like somebody else, this know you were born with the personality and there's some people that love your personality. There's some people that don't. All I'm saying is you're born with the personality. Stick with your personality. Would you want your girl that you like to have?

Ramon weatherall sr (06:02.634)

You know, things have some characteristics like your mom. You know, being a good cook, being funny. Would you want those things? Well, personally, I wanna be a good cook, so. But I'm talking about the girl that you were with. Would you want her to be a good cook like your mom? Would you want her to be funny like your mom?

At first, I don't care if women or girls can cook good. I just care if they have a good personality or if they're funny, it doesn't matter. It's kind of- You don't care if they cook good? Because you could just order out, huh? Well, if they cook good, then if they cook good, I'm telling the truth. If they don't cook good, I'll just say, it's good, but it's not your best. Okay, okay, okay. What's the favorite-

What's the best? What's your favorite thing that your mom cooks? Burgers, chicken, and fries.

Ramon weatherall sr (07:11.534)

Okay. Hold up, that's just a little bit. That, oh. That's not the whole thing. That's not the whole, okay, all right. Oh, okay.

Ramon weatherall sr (07:24.418)

Can you think of any positive role models in your life that have shown you how to handle heartbreak or difficult

Ramon weatherall sr (07:37.882)

emotions so you think of like i said my friend but mostly tv shows well i'm talking about people in your life you know me your brother your mom your sister have you seen your eye have you seen anybody handle a difficult situation probably my brother

Ramon weatherall sr (08:03.114)

Yeah, yeah, your brother, your older brother had his mother passed away and I got, we gotta, we gotta, we gotta give a shout out to him because he's handling it as best any man can. You think so? Yeah, he's handling it like it never happened. So shout out to you. That's been a big influence on me.

That's awesome. And the last question for today.

Ramon weatherall sr (08:42.202)

If you were to give any advice to boys your age who are going through a tough time with heartbreak, what would you tell them? Any boy going through heartbreak?

You know, he likes a girl and she doesn't like him for the first... What would you tell him? I would tell him that if she doesn't like you, then she's missing out on a perfect person. But soon you'll find someone that suits you so good. You shouldn't be sad about anything. She's the one who's missing out on...

or someone with a perfect personality. Exactly. There's somebody out there for you. She's just not it. You're not, you're not, you know, a failure or you're not a loser. If you go saying that I failed, I tried everything. I tried to be like someone. I tried to be like them. That was the problem. You try to be like someone else.

This stick to being yourself. Exactly, be yourself. And sometimes you're so good of a person, the person that you're trying to be with.

will treat you bad because they don't feel like they deserve you or they don't know they just don't know how to be good to a person that's being good to them but

Ramon weatherall sr (10:28.526)

Karma is a curse word. I'm not gonna say what it is, but karma is a curse word. And if you treat somebody, but this is what all I want all the fathers and all the sons to understand. If you treat a good person bad.

If you treat them bad, if you treat them the way they shouldn't be treated, you will have to answer for that. And it's gonna, and you're gonna really have to answer for that, so.

If you're in a relationship with somebody, whether it's family member or it's a romantic relationship, treat them as best as you can because you're not special and someday in one day somebody could and possibly will treat you just as worse or even worse. So that is this episode on relationships.

with my man, the star of the show, Carter. And this is the Raising Carter podcast. You got anything you wanna say to the people out there? I just wanna say, don't worry about getting your heart broke. That's gonna make you more nervous and you're gonna mess up. All I'm gonna say, don't be worried if you get your heart broke or something. There's gonna be someone perfect for you way better than that.

I'm gonna ask you this question, the last question. You're only seven years old, and maybe years down the line, we can come back and answer this question again. Would you rather get your heart broke or would you rather get beat up in a fight? Personally, I would win the fight, but I would rather.

Ramon weatherall sr (12:27.862)

get my heart broke. But if you're saying would you rather, but there's probably no way I would lose.

Ramon weatherall sr (12:37.646)

There you go. The seven-year-old Carter says he would rather get his heart broke. The 50-year-old, he would rather get his heart broke. The 50-year-old dad would say, I would say I would rather lose in a fight. That's the difference. That's what age will do for you and getting your heart broke will make you realize. So that is this week's episode of Raising Carter the Podcast.

This podcast is for fathers with sons and we will see you next time. Peace.