Father's are Important | RaisingKarter Podcast

In this week's episode of Raising Karter Podcast your host Ramon Weatherall Sr. delves into the crucial role that Father's are Important, fathers play in the lives of their sons. Backed by compelling statistics, Ramon sheds light on the far-reaching consequences of father absence and highlights the positive influence that engaged and supportive fathers can have on their children's lives.
Drawing on research and real-life stories, Ramon examines the profound impact that fathers have on various aspects of their sons' development. He explores the correlation between fatherlessness and high school drop-out rates, homelessness, and incarceration among males, revealing startling disparities compared to those who have fathers actively involved in their lives.
Throughout the episode, Ramon shares insights and strategies for fathers to nurture and foster healthy relationships with their sons, emphasizing the importance of emotional support, guidance, and positive role modeling. Listeners will gain valuable perspectives on how fathers can help shape their sons' self-esteem, resilience, and overall well-being, ultimately setting them up for success in various aspects of life.
Whether you're a father, a son, or simply interested in the dynamics of father-son relationships, this episode offers thought-provoking discussions and practical takeaways that highlight the significance of fathers in the lives of their children. Join Ramon Weatherall Sr. as he explores the profound impact of fathers and aims to inspire listeners to cultivate meaningful connections with their sons.
Ramon weatherall Sr (00:00.534)
This is the Raising Carter Podcast and I am your host, Ramon Weatherall Senior. The Raising Carter Podcast is strictly dedicated to fathers with sons. And I got a question for you fathers, all the dads out there. Do you know how just important you are to your son? Do you have any idea how important you are to your son? Well, let me give you a couple.
numbers, couple statistics. 71% of boys without fathers
don't graduate high school. 70% of boys without fathers are in juvenile detention, juvenile detention centers and things like that. So those boys that are in there, 70% of them fathers aren't in there alive.
Ramon weatherall Sr (01:05.59)
90%, 90% of the homeless people in this country, fathers aren't in their lives. And 63% of suicides are committed by people whose fathers aren't in their lives. So, I got a...
exercise that I want you to do. I want you to close your eyes. I want you to close your eyes and I want you to imagine the image of a father, a great dad, just an awesome dad. It could be you, it could be your dad. Or if your dad wasn't in your life, I still want you to imagine this great guy.
This guy that you always wanted in your life that helped you through your tough times, you shared great times with. I want you to imagine this guy, this father.
Now, you got them in your mind, you see them there, whether it's your dad or maybe a friend of yours that who had a great dad, maybe he's the image that you see. Now, I want you to erase all of that. Erase all of that. All, forget about all that. None of that image, that person.
never existed. And for you guys who have fathers, the great fathers, I want you to imagine never having him in your life. Never having him in your life.
Ramon weatherall Sr (02:55.646)
I can imagine never having my dad in my life. And all those statistics I just gave you, your life would be projected or would have been projected or you're going through things like that or have gone through things like that in your past because of not having a father in your life. So once you wipe all that away,
Ramon weatherall Sr (03:23.906)
A lot of those things I just told you about could happen to you. Have a great chance of happening to a young man without a father in his life. That's just how important you are. So if you ever start thinking that you're not important and people try to act like you are important, you just remember, you just think about, you close your eyes and you imagine you not being in your son's life at all.
And the reason why you might not be in his life
You gotta take your own accountability for yourself. You've gotta take better care of yourself. You've gotta make better decisions. So you are there for him. Because you not being in his life, I can guarantee you one thing, I promise you one thing, it's not his fault. He don't got nothing to do with that. It's on you. So, I wanna...
Don't let anyone hijack the relationship you have with your son, whether it's his mother, your wife, your girlfriend, your mother, his grandma, it doesn't matter. A lot of times women like to tell us what we should be doing as fathers. But a lot of times, but we don't get that, we're not able to do that to them. And I got a clip for you here.
I got a clip for you dads right here. That's gonna let you see just how important you are, but in a different way. Your role as a father is different than hers as a mother.
Ramon weatherall Sr (06:27.394)
There you go. There you have it. There you have it.
Men and women parent differently, but your role is no less important than hers. Obviously, just give you some of the statistics I gave you, some of the data that I gave you just before, lets you know just how important you are. But most women don't know any of these statistics and don't really, maybe not, don't even care about them because they have their own viewpoint.
on how a father should be. And that's their business. That's their business. A lot of times, maybe their fathers weren't in their lives and that's not their fault either, but dads, I want you to understand just how important you are and don't stop parenting your way. Be yourself, be a dad, because I can guarantee you that
When your son's a grown man, yeah, he's gonna remember the times you took him places and did stuff with him, this and that, but he's really gonna remember the conversations you guys had, the wisdom, the knowledge you had, that you gave him, that you blessed him with. That's what he's gonna really remember. That's what's gonna help him in the real world. You taking him to Chuck E. Cheese is not gonna help him in the real world.
Ramon weatherall Sr (08:04.538)
is not gonna help. That's what a lot of times what mothers don't understand. That's what they don't wanna talk about. That's what they don't wanna realize until he's off the rails, until he's standing in front of a judge or getting suspended from school or getting fired from a job.
Ramon weatherall Sr (08:29.762)
You know, when he's in juvenile court, you know who they're gonna ask for? You, where were you, where are you? So, be a dad. Prepare him for the real world. Don't let anybody hijack your relationship.
Get the data, learn the statistics, learn how it is really a boy crisis, and you are the solution to that. Dad, you are. You are the solution to help your son have a healthy and happy life. So that is episode number five for the Raising Carter podcast.
and my superstar co-host, Mr. Carter Weatherall, will be joining me on episode number six. And we're gonna talk about just how important I am to him and what is, and how his friends and the people he comes across in school, how important having a father is to those, to his schoolmates. So this is the Raising Carter podcast that's dedicated to fathers.
with sons and we want to thank you for supporting, continue to listen and we're going to keep bringing you content that's going to help you out dads, that's going to help you out sons. So I want you to share this on social media. I want you to review it. I want you to tell other people about this podcast. Cause if you are a father, if you are a dad or real dad and you want to get better at this and you just want somebody to confirm that you are important.
Cause you are. It's not just me saying that, it's the statistics showing that. It's the data showing that. Hey, this is the podcast for you, the Raising Carter Podcast, and I am out. I'm your host, Ramon Weatherall Senior. Peace.