Daddys Love Pt 2

what's does daddy's look and feel like to & yr old Kareter
Ramon weatherall sr (00:01.11)
Hey guys, this is the Raising Carter podcast. My name's Carter, your host, and this is Ramon Sr. And today's topic is Dad's Love. We're gonna get right into it. I got a question for you. What do you think is the difference between
mom's love and dad's love. Okay.
Ramon weatherall sr (00:43.131)
Dad's love is like... Doing something like...
If you guys have ever, like, playing kickball with you or playing soccer with you, that kind of stuff. But mom's love is like watching a movie with you or taking you out to the movies. But sometimes that gets switched up. Sometimes dad will take me to the movies. Sometimes mom will take me to play kickball.
Their love is different is because dad's love is like outside taking me to get haircuts. Mom's love is like movie theaters ice cream and stuff. Their love is different because
Dad's love is sports. Mom's love is movies, ice cream, and that. So their love is different.
It might not be the same, but it's still great.
Ramon weatherall sr (01:53.662)
Ramon weatherall sr (01:57.462)
Dad's love.
Ramon weatherall sr (02:03.01)
is important because...
Ramon weatherall sr (02:09.75)
You're a young man and dad's love is there to help you to show you how to be a man. So it's gonna be different. Now you're only seven now, but soon you'll be 10, 15, 16, 21. So dad's love is important.
to a young man because...
I'm the blueprint.
I'm the blueprint. So for kids, for young men whose fathers aren't there, they don't have that blueprint. They don't have that person to look at, to say, okay, that's what I wanna be, or that's, you know, that's the example. So there's love.
Ramon weatherall sr (03:07.614)
Help is a...
Ramon weatherall sr (03:15.386)
is the guideline for you to becoming a man.
Ramon weatherall sr (03:24.409)
How does dad's love make you feel? Because you...
Ramon weatherall sr (03:33.427)
Me being in your life, everybody doesn't have a father.
Ramon weatherall sr (03:40.893)
So your opinion is a little jaded because you got it. You got it for some guys don't have a father and they're.
and they're really sad and it hurts them because they don't. So how does my love, dad's love make you feel? It makes me feel like.
I'm lucky to have a dad here. He might not be able to take on family trips and do whatever, but some people don't have dads, like he said. So it makes me feel lucky that I even have a dad here right now.
Ramon weatherall sr (04:28.45)
How does mom's love make you feel? Because we not disrespecting or downgrading what mothers do. We're just highlighting what dads do. So how does mom's love make you feel?
Like you said, some people don't have moms. So, some, okay, mom's love makes me feel like...
Mom's love makes me feel happy because some people don't have moms, so it makes me feel like special because some people don't have moms, some people don't have dads. It makes me feel like I should be happy that I don't even, that I, that I do have a mom. So like.
So if you don't have a mom or a dad...
Ramon weatherall sr (05:40.84)
Ramon weatherall sr (05:45.531)
Well, my mom cooks, she cleans, but sometimes I get... So I feel happy that I have a mom to do that stuff.
Ramon weatherall sr (06:02.806)
What's a difficult situation that you can remember, a difficult problem you had that...
my love helped you solve. Was there something, a problem you had and that my love helped you solve?
I like to play kickball, but before I was good at it, I sucked and I got bullied for it. Then I came to dad and said, what should I do if someone bullied me? He gave me the right advice. Then I asked him, how do you be better at kickball? Dad played a lot of sports when he was a kid, so he gave me some of the tips. So now that I'm great at kickball and now I can stand up for myself.
Ramon weatherall sr (06:57.685)
Ramon weatherall sr (07:01.611)
This is one thing that I want you to know about bullies.
Ramon weatherall sr (07:13.634)
Bullies, my dad told me this, bullies pick on people who normally don't fight back.
Ramon weatherall sr (07:28.642)
Ramon weatherall sr (07:35.574)
That's why they're bullies, because they pick on people who they know won't fight back. So, always stand up for yourself. Even if you lose, even if you lose, that bully is not gonna pick on you again because they don't wanna fight. Now, if you run across a bully who just wants to fight, then.
You know, you might run across somebody who's got kind of a problem, but the normal bully just picks on people because they know that person isn't gonna fight back. So that's a thing you always wanna stand up for yourself. Stand up for yourself.
Ramon weatherall sr (08:23.39)
and let them know that I'm not gonna be bullied. But.
Ramon weatherall sr (08:37.762)
What are some of the ways that you show?
Ramon weatherall sr (08:44.726)
What are some of the ways that you show your dad that you love him? So what are some of the ways that you show me that you love me? I think I should answer.
Ramon weatherall sr (09:02.582)
but I'll let you go first.
Sometimes, but all the time. Sometimes.
but mostly a lot. He will, I will draw him a picture and if it's bad or good, he'll still say he likes it. So I'll keep drawing and drawing pictures. And this sometimes, and I show him I love him by doing the things I like, like doing this podcast, I like.
and like giving him merch ideas and that and video ideas. That's how I show I love him.
Ramon weatherall sr (09:53.51)
I think, well, I know that you show me that you love me by the attention that you give me, how you come in the room while I'm trying to sleep and you tell me things every five minutes.
Ramon weatherall sr (10:21.853)
how you just wanna be around me. And I love that. I love that, you know? So that's how I know.
that you love me and...
Like I said before, every good dad knows his children, every good dad who loves his children and knows his children love him or has thinks they do, talks about his kids. So if you're a dad, if you, people, some people, you know, got on a social media, they got mass like, oh, that's not true. Maybe you just wanna keep your business private. No, dads who love their children.
talk about their children. You come across a dad who never talks about his kids, it's two things, either one, they're not, he's not in their lives, or two, they don't like him.
They don't like him. So, dad's love is different than mom's love because...
Ramon weatherall sr (11:31.843)
A dad's job is to help you succeed in life.
Ramon weatherall sr (11:41.662)
is to find out what you're good at. It's my job is to find out what you're good at and then help you do that. I know that you're good at this. That's why you're doing this podcast with me. If you sucked at it, you wouldn't be doing it.
You will, we'd be doing something else. We wouldn't be doing this. We wouldn't, that's what a good dad does. That's what a good dad, that's what a good dad does. Okay? If Deion Sanders' sons couldn't play football, they wouldn't be on Colorado's team. They wouldn't be on the football team if they couldn't play. That's what a good dad does. He knows what his kids are good at.
and he pushes them towards that thing. So that is this week's episode of the Raising Carter podcast. The host Carter, do you got any parting words for the people? I have one question for you.
I came up with myself.
So, do you think that?
Ramon weatherall sr (12:59.031)
I personally spend more time with you than mom.
Ramon weatherall sr (13:09.13)
I think you spend more time with me and I think that's a good idea. I think she would say the same thing too. Maybe one day.
we will get her on the podcast. Maybe one day. Maybe one day we will get her on the podcast. But I think you spend more time with me and all the dads out there. If your son spends more time with you than his mom, there's nothing wrong with that. Because you, like I said, are the blueprint of what he needs to be. His mom can't show him, a woman can't show.
a young boy how to be a man. She can make him a good person. She can't turn him into a man because he has no idea what it is. How to do that? Nothing against them, nothing against her. Nothing against any mom, but you can't show your son how to be a man. Another man has to do that.
So the answer to your question is you spend more time with me and that's the way it should be. Just like your older brother, he spent more time with me than his mom.
Ramon weatherall sr (14:26.506)
Don't have a problem with that. I spent more time with my dad than my mom.
Don't have a problem with that. I love my mom to death, but I spend more time with my dad. So that is this week's episode of the Raising Carter podcast. If you liked this podcast, because this podcast is for fathers like me and sons like Carter. We need you to support this podcast, tell people about it, subscribe to it. Check out my TikTok, the Camera Guy TV.
a TikTok page where I post all different things, you know, different short clips of the podcast. Podcasts on Apple, Spotify for the audio version, the YouTube version. Check it out. Tell your friends, tell your family, we need your support to continue this thing. And we are out. Peace.
Ramon weatherall sr (15:32.846)
15 minutes.