Oct. 4, 2023

Daddy"s Love


Daddy's Love: A Powerful Bond

In this heartfelt episode of "Raising Karter," join Ramon Weatherall Sr. as he takes the microphone solo to delve into the profound connection between a father and his child. Ramon shares his personal insights and experiences, shedding light on the significance of a father's love and its unique impact on a child's life.

Drawing from his own journey as a devoted father, Ramon explores the often overlooked but crucial role that dads play in their children's emotional development and well-being. He delves into the ways in which a father's love can shape a child's self-esteem, confidence, and sense of security. Ramon dives deep into the notion that, in some cases, a father's love can be just as important—if not more so—than a mother's love.

Through heartfelt anecdotes and relatable examples, Ramon highlights the special moments and challenges he has encountered while nurturing a strong bond with his son, Karter. He shares his thoughts on the unique qualities and strengths that fathers bring to the parenting dynamic, emphasizing the significance of their presence, guidance, and unwavering support.

Listeners of all backgrounds and family dynamics will find inspiration and valuable insights in this episode. Whether you're a father, a mother, or an individual interested in understanding the profound impact of parental love, this discussion offers a fresh perspective on the importance of a father's role in raising a child.

Tune in to "Raising Karter" as Ramon Weatherall Sr. opens up about the immeasurable power of a father's love and its transformative influence on a child's life. Get ready for an engaging and thought-provoking conversation that celebrates the unique bond between father and son, leaving you with a renewed appreciation for the role of fathers in shaping the next generatio


Ramon weatherall sr (00:00.334)

This is the Raising Carter Podcast and I am your host, Ramon Weatherall Sr. And on the Raising Carter Podcast, we specifically, directly, on purpose, target you, dad. We target you to let you know just how important you are. But I got a question for you. Do you know that dad's love and mom's love aren't even equal when it comes to your son?

Hell, even your daughter is not even equal. Dad's love trumps mom's love when it comes to your son. It trumps it.

it trumps it. When I say it trumps it, it smashes it. It beats it every time. Because you are the most important person, the most important thing, the most important being besides God to your son. Don't let nobody tell you this. We not doing that on this podcast. You can call me toxic, you can call me whatever, but this my damn podcast and I'm gonna tell you how I wanna tell you.

because it's the truth. When it comes to your son, nobody else's love compares. Nobody else's love compares. I was talking to a grown man and he was telling me about his father. And

His father just passed away. I think I mentioned this before in another podcast, but hell, if you didn't hear that, I'm gonna tell you again, he was saying how everything he done up to this point, he felt like was because of his father. And his father, him and his father really didn't have a great relationship. But when he passed away, I could see how hurt he was.

Ramon weatherall sr (02:02.61)

in his eyes, still. And he said, everything that I've done up to this point was because of, or in addition to, my dad. He was like, my dad really didn't teach me anything, the things that I needed to know. He didn't teach me about personal hygiene and stuff like that. He was like, when I was a kid, he was like, I stunk. You know, he was like, I smell, because my dad didn't teach me those things.

Ramon weatherall sr (02:34.154)

And this is a grown man talking about his father and just keeping it real. Just keeping it real. You are the most important thing to your son.

his trajectory in life is directly attached to you being there.

That's why when I see men who aren't in their son's lives, this shit just pisses me off, dude. It just pisses me off. Cause it was cool when you was laying down and you was doing your thing. Like you didn't know that this woman could get pregnant. Like you didn't know. Something just took off. You have no self control. That's what you should say.

Forget all the other stuff, just keep it real. Just say, I don't got no self-control. I don't have no self-control when I'm chasing women and I don't care, I just, I don't have no self-control. So you basically a boy, you not a man.

For real. But I got a video for you that will highlight just how important dad's love is and how it, like I said, man, it's better, it's more important to your son than his mother's love. Just, it's the fact.

Ramon weatherall sr (05:07.17)

So when you don't recognize a man when you haven't seen one, then the only definition of man you can come up with is the one that was given to you by somebody who came to you. Most people who define men define it from their pain, not their intellect. Let me tell you something, daddy loving, mama loving. Did he not break it down? Did he not?

Just drop the mic on that one, man.

Ramon weatherall sr (05:42.494)

Most people who talk about men and talk about fathers.

A lot of time are speaking from the lack of having one. The lack of having one.

Ramon weatherall sr (06:00.922)

I was out at my wife's birthday party and some people was speaking and somebody was talking about their dad and it was like, oh yeah, you know, my dad's a deadbeat. I seen this man before. This is his son, he just said, yo, he's a deadbeat.

Ramon weatherall sr (06:23.25)

Is that how you wanna be described? Don't tell me you a man if your son describes you as a deadbeat.

I don't give a shit what you done. I don't care how hard you is. I don't care how much money you got on. I don't care how many women you slept with. If your son describes you as a deadbeat.

Ramon weatherall sr (06:46.748)

That's what you are. All that other stuff, don't matter. That's what you are.

Ramon weatherall sr (06:57.37)

Your son should not be describing you as a deadbeat. He should be describing you as his hero. When Tom Brady, when a little boy asked Tom Brady, who's your hero? He said his father. And he almost started crying. Grown man, Tom Brady the goat. He said his father. That's how you should be described. Not a deadbeat. But that's your damn fault. That ain't his fault. That ain't your son's fault. That's your damn fault.

That's your fault. You get no respect from me.

Ramon weatherall sr (07:35.938)

Take it out, you know what I mean? Take it like a man or take it like a bitch. It don't make no difference to me, but that's the truth. That's the truth. And like he said.

Ramon weatherall sr (07:50.544)

Daddy's love equals discipline.

There ain't no negotiation here. There ain't no negotiations here. I'll listen to you, but if you wrong, you wrong and you gonna pay for it. Now check out this video. I know this been circling around, TikTok, a lot of people seeing this video, but this video is, this is how it's done.

Ramon weatherall sr (08:33.294)

Straight like that. Lay down, be quiet. No negotiation. Negotiating with you. Negotiate with you. We trying to tell you to do the right thing. We gonna sit up, we gonna try to, you gonna scream and holler and negotiate in my house. You seen, he was going to handle business somewhere. He was probably going to make him a sandwich or something or get him a beer. You was like, man, I'm sick of this. Get your little butt up there in the bed and be quiet. Women, stop negotiating with your son. Stop negotiating with him.

Just do like my wife do. Oh, oh, okay. Oh, you, oh, I got something for you. I got something for you. And go get your husband, go get his father and let him handle the situation. And let him handle that. Ain't no negotiation. I'm talking, oh, I'm telling you to do something you don't wanna do it. Oh, I got something for you. Okay, you know what it is. You know what it is and I'm going to get him right now. And I bet you gonna do it now.

Stop negotiating with these, stop negotiating because the world is not gonna negotiate with your son. They're not gonna negotiate with your son. Work starts at seven. That's when you supposed to be there. Or before. That's when you start working at seven. You don't get there at seven, you start at seven. They're not gonna negotiate with him. You late too many times, you don't show up, you're fired.

Ramon weatherall sr (10:05.014)

I remember when I was in high school, man, I had this teacher and...

at a swim class or like a lifeguarding class way on the other side of campus.

Ramon weatherall sr (10:22.206)

way on the other side of campus. So first day of her class, you know, I heard about her. Everybody said she was mean, she wasn't no joke. I used to see her at all our basketball games. So I thought, hey, she was, you know, she was a fan. She came to the games, you know, I heard about her. I'm like, you know, she can't be that bad. So get out, take a shower, get my clothes. I don't know, I think, I think I might've been, you know.

trying to get to class on time. I wasn't, you know, just walking along, a bell rang. Man, I'm like right at the door when the bell rang. She's, her door was locked.

I'm like trying to get in, I'm like, man, it's like eighth period, I'm trying to get in. She like, uh-uh. You need to be in your seat when the bell rings, else you ain't getting in here. And I know you need this class to help you graduate. So you better be in here. You not getting in here today, buddy. I'm like, man, ain't this up?

Ain't this a, I'm like, man, this broad is trippin'. So I'm like, after that, take my shower. Man, I'm running across campus, running across. I'm the only one. Everybody else is moving, it's A's period, just, I'm smashing across campus, getting there in my seat. Discipline, discipline.

Ramon weatherall sr (12:05.698)

Discipline. Now, if I didn't have discipline at home, I would've tried to probably try to, you know, I, aw man, try to buck her like, aw, you know. Nah, nah, nah. You know, it don't take you to tell me one time that this is how it was supposed to be done and this how it was gonna be done and I'm gonna be there. That's what your son should have. It don't take him but one time. Yeah, everybody can make a mistake. All right, you told him one time.

The world might give you one chance.

All the sons out there, if your father isn't around, let me tell you something, for me to you, the world might give you one chance to fuck up, once. I was trying to tell this one brother that I'm friends with and he was like, oh, I said, you, sometimes you don't get a chance to make up for your mistakes. You can mess up so bad that you don't get another chance. Oh, everybody deserves another chance and.

You just don't understand the teachings yet. No, brother, this is the real world. Everybody doesn't believe that you get a second chance. Some people don't wanna give you a one chance.

Ramon weatherall sr (13:23.446)

You might, like I said, listen, you might get one chance to fuck up. If you're a woman and you get a bunch of tattoos all over you, unprofessional tattoos, or professional. Some man, the man of your dreams might not like those. And same thing with your son.

You get tattoos all over your face and everything, the world ain't gonna give you no chance.

You're not being hired with that tattoo on your face. I don't care how smart you are, whatever. You're gonna have to, we're not hiring you here. Maybe somebody else will give you a chance, but we're not. And don't be black or brown or another ethnic group besides white. You might not be welcome at all, but then once you get a tattoo on your face or somewhere that's unprofessional, you really not getting it. So.

Daddy's love trumps mom's love when it comes to your son. It does. And it's in a broad for it all with your daughter.

This is just facts. If you dare doing what you gotta do, if you dare being the father you supposed to be, daddy's love is gonna trump, is gonna beat mom's love. Once your son is three, four, five years old, all these women who try to make all these rules and they, I want these things to be done this way, your son is not gonna be thinking about you once he gets into kindergarten.

Ramon weatherall sr (15:07.554)

He's gonna be focused and locked in on his dad. That's gonna be the most important man in his life from then until the casket drops. If he's there, if he's there doing what, and the only way that can stop or change is if you, it's because of you dad, it's because of you. You the only one who can change that. You the only one who can fuck that up.

better put. You the only one who can fuck that up.

So that is this week's episode of Raising Carter. I'm your host, Ramon Weatherall Sr. This is the Raising Carter podcast. My superstar co-host Carter will be on the next episode talking about dad's love. You know, when I do it, dad, yo, it's gonna be a little bit more rated R. You know, it is what it is. When I have my son on here.

We gotta respect that, we gotta respect him, you know? Maybe when he's, if we still doing this podcast in 10, 15 years, it might be a little bit different then, but he's only seven, so we gotta keep it respectful for him and the other kids, but hey, this podcast is for you dads and for your sons, and when I'm talking to you dads, look, we gotta get serious, we gotta get serious.

So if you like this podcast, share it, tell your friends about it, listen to it on Apple. It's on Apple now, it's on Spotify, it's everywhere. I'm even, it's even, man, I'm even doing episodes on TikTok. So I'm going hard, we not quitting. This is the Raising Carter Podcast and we are out, peace.